
由于我有长期使vim的习惯, 在刷leetcode题时,在网页上写代码实在是有点难受, LeetCode-cli 完美解决了我的问题.




1. 安装

  • 下载稳定版本,并非开发版本. Install guide
    npm install -g leetcode-cli

2. 使用

所有用法wiki介绍的很详细, 自己探索吧哈哈哈!



一: 连接不到leetcodeleetcode.cn服务器,都会报invalid passworderror
解决方案如下: 参考

  1. 确保已安装Node.js 8+
  2. # to remove the old version
    npm uninstall -g leetcode-cli
    # to install the up-to-date version(2.6.17+)
    npm install -g leetcode-tools/leetcode-cli
    使用leetcode version确保版本2.6.17+
  3. 使用cookie登陆

若使用账号密码无法登陆,可尝试使用Cookie登陆, 具体方式如下:

  • 登陆leetcode , 打开 检查

  • 选择 network -> XHR -> search -> uid -> all/

  • 使用leetcode user -c, 输入user, 再将cookie粘贴就ok了

2. 使用leetcode.cn, 用leetcode show命令出现http error
解决办法: 参考https://github.com/LeetCode-OpenSource/vscode-leetcode/issues/489

  • 找到leetcode.cn.js文件, MacOS 一般在/usr/local/lib/node_modules/vsc-leetcode-cli/lib/plugins/leetcode.cn.js
  • 替换成以下代码:
'use strict'
var request = require('request');
var config = require('../config');
var h = require('../helper');
var log = require('../log');
var Plugin = require('../plugin');
var session = require('../session');
// [Usage]
// https://github.com/skygragon/leetcode-cli-plugins/blob/master/docs/leetcode.cn.md
var plugin = new Plugin(15, 'leetcode.cn', '2018.11.25',
    'Plugin to talk with leetcode-cn APIs.');
plugin.init = function() {
  config.app = 'leetcode.cn';
  config.sys.urls.base            = 'https://leetcode-cn.com';
  config.sys.urls.login           = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/accounts/login/';
  config.sys.urls.problems        = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/api/problems/$category/';
  config.sys.urls.problem         = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/$slug/description/';
  config.sys.urls.graphql         = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/graphql';
  config.sys.urls.problem_detail  = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/graphql';
  config.sys.urls.test            = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/$slug/interpret_solution/';
  config.sys.urls.session         = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/session/';
  config.sys.urls.submit          = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/$slug/submit/';
  config.sys.urls.submissions     = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/api/submissions/$slug';
  config.sys.urls.submission      = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/submissions/detail/$id/';
  config.sys.urls.verify          = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/submissions/detail/$id/check/';
  config.sys.urls.favorites       = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/list/api/questions';
  config.sys.urls.favorite_delete = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/list/api/questions/$hash/$id';

// FIXME: refactor those
// update options with user credentials
function signOpts(opts, user) {
  opts.headers.Cookie = 'LEETCODE_SESSION=' + user.sessionId +
                        ';csrftoken=' + user.sessionCSRF + ';';
  opts.headers['X-CSRFToken'] = user.sessionCSRF;
  opts.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';

function makeOpts(url) {
  const opts = {};
  opts.url = url;
  opts.headers = {};

  if (session.isLogin())
    signOpts(opts, session.getUser());
  return opts;

function checkError(e, resp, expectedStatus) {
  if (!e && resp && resp.statusCode !== expectedStatus) {
    const code = resp.statusCode;
    log.debug('http error: ' + code);

    if (code === 403 || code === 401) {
      e = session.errors.EXPIRED;
    } else {
      e = {msg: 'http error', statusCode: code};
  return e;

plugin.getProblems = function(cb) {
  plugin.next.getProblems(function(e, problems) {
    if (e) return cb(e);

    plugin.getProblemsTitle(function(e, titles) {
      if (e) return cb(e);

      problems.forEach(function(problem) {
        const title = titles[problem.id];
        if (title)
          problem.name = title;

      return cb(null, problems);

plugin.getProblemsTitle = function(cb) {
  log.debug('running leetcode.cn.getProblemNames');

  const opts = makeOpts(config.sys.urls.graphql);
  opts.headers.Origin = config.sys.urls.base;
  opts.headers.Referer = 'https://leetcode-cn.com/api/problems/algorithms/';

  opts.json = true;
  opts.body = {
    query: [
      'query getQuestionTranslation($lang: String) {',
      '  translations: allAppliedQuestionTranslations(lang: $lang) {',
      '    title',
      '    questionId',
      '  }',
    variables:     {},
    operationName: 'getQuestionTranslation'

  const spin = h.spin('Downloading questions titles');
  request.post(opts, function(e, resp, body) {
    e = checkError(e, resp, 200);
    if (e) return cb(e);

    const titles = [];
    body.data.translations.forEach(function(x) {
      titles[x.questionId] = x.title;

    return cb(null, titles);

module.exports = plugin;


《LeetCode-CLI》 GeekOcean 采用 知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。